Saturday, May 17, 2014

Religious freedom

As I am sitting on my flight to Dubai... current headlines from the BBC keep going across the screen in front of me and one in particular catches my attention...

"Sudanese women charged with apostasy and sentenced to hang because she converted from Islam and married a Christian man."

This is an unknown to many American Christians that play church and only touch their Bibles on Sunday. The freedom we have to worship however and marry whomever is taken for granted and many throughout the world are willing to be martyred for their faith and the decision to marry outside their family belief system. 

After a recent situation in my own life and making the decision to stand firm on my beliefs... I realized the consequence of doing this in many countries I have recently gone through.  For many friends that grew up in the Islamic belief system it is nearly impossible to change to another belief system without immediately becoming a martyr for their faith.  That is definitely stepping out on FAITH!

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