Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Caught red handed!

Normal evening of checking email and going through mail turned very funny when I heard a noise in the kitchen. Not knowing where the two boys were I quietly walked from the living room into the kitchen. I flipped on the light and found the roll of paper towels was unrolled and Romeo (my youngest cat) was guiltily sitting on the counter.
I took him off the counter, fixed the paper towels, and went back to the living room. I no sooner sat back down then I heard the noise from before. This time armed with the camera I went in, flipped on the light, and snap... GUILTY AS CHARGED!
With Tink it was toilet paper... every morning I would get out of the shower to find the entire roll of tp either shredded or on the floor. With Romeo it looks like paper towels. Luckily with Tink, he has out grown the desire to toilet paper my house. Hopefully with Romeo... this too will pass!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Children are a blessing

Oh the joys of a new baby!!! I had the pleasure of attending an old roomie's baby shower on Friday night over in Mililani. This is actually Lauryn's third child but her first little girl. Such a cutie and a true blessing to her family.

Children are truly a blessing from the Lord. So often they are not considered as that. It makes my heart sad to hear some parents refer to their children as a burden or a mistake as God created them to be a blessing.

Yes I know... I don't have children of my own but having 24 children on a daily basis has taught me so much about the way they think and see the world. God created in them an imagination and a sense of exploration that we as adults have outgrown somewhere along the way. They see the world in a way that teaches me things daily. Their cute phrases and words astound me as to what is going on inside their minds and hearts. These little ones are so precious in His sight and they should be just as much a treasure in ours as God has called us (whether you are a parent, friend, aunty, uncle, grandparent, etc) to train up these children in the way they should go.

So if you have children in your life... love them... pray for them and with them... teach them... and most of all show them that they are a blessing!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

From the beginning...

Almost 9 years ago, when I moved to Molokai, I started an email journal to friends and family of what God is doing in my life. Since my email list is now way over 300 it takes so much time just to send an email. I have gotten hooked to reading other friends blogs and facebook so I thought I would start a blog that friends and family can check in their own time. SO HERE GOES...