Saturday, September 14, 2013

Gardening 101

This may not look like much but this is the start of my future food supply.  Ok... I at least have great hopes of it providing food.  My green thumb will be grown out of need.  I have always had a running joke that it needs to be able to get my attention to remind me to feed and water it in order for it to grow.  Children and pets do well thriving in my world... plants not so much!  We are really praying that this time there will be food to harvest.
Several friends gifted me with packages of organic seeds (some even sporting hand written notes of encouragement that I had not discovered until this morning) to bring down with me.  So armed with the seeds and a stick to til the dirt, I went to the garden boxes out behind my apartment to start removing rocks and tilling the soil.  After a few minutes I had a couple of curious onlookers... children that I met in March that go to IPS.  Within minutes they built up the courage to come close enough to see what I was planting and talk with me.  Jordan was actively talking with me while Fiona and the other two were more shy.  I enlisted their help and we talked about what they liked to eat... maize, tomatoes, and carrots being at the top of their list.  I do believe this is how we are going to work on their English skills and my Lugandan skills.
So... until I can clear some space away from the building for the plants that like to run... ie cucumbers, zuchinni, cantelope, and watermelon...  I am done for the day.  Pastor Jackson made this suggestion as we don't want to attract snakes to the building.   I have planted... corn, tomatoes, carrots, basil, parsley, chives, beans, lettuce, and chard.  With words of wisdom from a friend whom gardens, I only planted a couple of spots for each  as I don't have  the capacity to store abunch of fresh veggies all at one time.  I will space out my planting every couple of weeks so that I will constantly have fresh food!

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