Saturday, April 12, 2014

Good reminder

Written 9th April 2014

Oh how easy it is to be deceived by things that look good and look like what you want and desire.  As I was reading Ezra this morning, I was reminded how the enemy comes not in a red outfit with a pitchfork but as a wolf in sheeps clothing.  He doesn't look bad so he is allowed into the flock. 

In verse 2 the adversaries of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin come up and say... "Let us build with you for we worship your God as you do...".  At first glance it looks pretty good but is it the best.

I have been struggling with settling for good or waiting on God's best and how to tell the difference.   Our modern culture says... do what feels good... do what makes you need to wait...we all worship the same God just call him different names...

We need to stand firm as Zerubbabil and say "You have nothing to do with us in building a house to our God; but we alone will build to the LORD, the God of Israel."

Ultimately God doesn't want us to settle or waste time playing with things that are "just good".  He wants what is best for us.  So in life application... I am not going to be deceived by what feels good but leaves you empty... I want his fulfilling best.  I am not going to settle for empty flattery but promises that will be kept.  I don't  want a wolf in sheeps clothing butnthe shepherd himself!

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