Monday, November 10, 2014

Epic love story

During one of my flights I watched a movie entitled 'the fault in our stars'.  Very heart warming and touched my heart to think of my own epic love story!

From the beginning of time our hearts were created to desire to be loved.  Our creator wrote the greatest love story ever and it has made me set my standards high knowing that I was created to be loved.  I have said numerous times that I just want to be loved for me...craziness and all.

Will a man not just love me when I act silly... but join me in the silliness?

Will a man not just love me when I sing at the top of my lungs to "Let it go"... but turn up the music and sing along?

Will a man not just love me when I am happy... but reach out big strong arms to hold me when I am sad?

Will a man not just love me when I am dressed up... but thinks I am gorgeous with no make up in lounge clothes?

The answer to all of these is yes with the right man.  I truly beleive that each of us has an epic love story written by a divine hand that is tailor made for our individual wants and needs.  As an uncle recently shared as he went over his own love story with his bride... "when I met her, I knew I couldn't find anyone better so I made her mine".  That really touched my heart.  My epic love story will not be like anyone else's but is progressing just as the designer created!

"Some people are worth melting for!" -Olaf in Frozen

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