Friday, February 21, 2014


After last weekends fire... I have had the lyrics of "it only takes a spark to get a fire going..." playing over and over in my head!  This has gotten me thinking  of how any type of project is step at a time.

School has been in session for three weeks and we have an overwhelming need to expand.  Had to add on to our staff yesterday with an assistant in baby class.  With 34 children in baby class and one teacher... I had been stepping in a lot to help teacher Syria and felt awful when another child came to register for this class knowing that she was already stretched pretty thin! Just imagine being in a room with 30+ 3 and 4 year olds... by yourself from 7:30 til 12:30. 

Ultimately we hit the 100 children mark this week and I have had to turn away numerous children who wanted to be in upper primary grades because we just aren't able to offer that due to not enough classroom space or staffing.  The original thought was to build a two room school block every other year while adding one grade per year.  On the years in between we were planning on putting in other buildings like teacher housing... visitor's housing... latrines... etc.  Even though we just finished this current school block in January... there is a great need to start immediately on teacher housing as well as another school block!  I guess it is a good problem to have.

So... I have been pondering how to get the funds for this and realized... I don't have many friends that could just write a check for the entire school block (about $20,000) but I know lots of people that could spare $1.  So just as a spark causes a huge fire... one brick starts a new building toward providing an education for these children as well as hope for the future.  We are introducing BRICK BY BRICK...building a child's education one brick at a time!

Ultimately I would like to see this new school block in progress by the time I come back to the village in the early fall so that it will be ready for Primary 3 & 4 by the 2015 school year that starts in February.   Will you come on board and help us reach our goal of 20,000 bricks???

Each brick is sponsored at $1each and these are tax deductible... can be done either on line with a credit card or sent via check to the In the Field Ministries office in Washington state.  This can be used as a great project for schools... church groups... or individual families!  (put BRICK BY BRICK in the comment line)

BRICK BY BRICK... building a child's education one brick at a time!

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