Thursday, April 11, 2013

When you ASSUME!

I will never forget the day riding home from middle school with my dad discussing a friend issue.  I had "assumed" something and dad asked me if I knew what it meant to "assume".  He then proceeded to tell me what it meant.  This event stands out in my mind because it was the first time I remember my dad ever saying a "curse" word!

Fast forward to today... a friend and I were out walking and talking... discussing some recent comments that have been made about this transition to Uganda.  The friend made the comment that most people probably "assume" that I am moving down to take a high paying administrator position.  When I started laughing, the friend made mention that maybe I need to clarify...

SO for all that are "assuming" that I am going down to Uganda, living a cushy, posh life and making BIG bucks, I would like to clarify...

  1. As of the end of May... I will be unemployed, uninsured, and no longer receiving a salary.
  2. When I move to Uganda in September... I will NOT be getting a paycheck.  (Nor do I have an agency paying for all of my traveling/moving expenses.)
  3. I will truly be relying FULLY on the LORD to provide each need.
  4. My "housing" in Uganda will eventually be the maternity ward of the clinic.  It has a working, flushing toilet and for that I am BLESSED. 
  5. Showers will be in a plastic wash tub in the clinic after hours... there is no shower in what is to be the maternity ward.
  6. My kitchen consists of a sink and a three burner camp stove... no refrigerator and no oven so I am making full use of that now!
Now... with all that said... I am not looking for sympathy or pity... that is NOT why I am posting this.  I am writing this to educate and share my heart.  It is not my intention to ever move somewhere to serve and live so far above the local people that they won't listen.  I am not going as a "vacation-ary"... but to be Christ's hands and feet!

1 comment:

  1. I love your clarity! Thank you for being the hands and feet of Christ to those you will serve in Uganda. We will be "following" your story...aloha, the montgomerys
