Monday, April 1, 2013

Count your blessings

Sometimes things don't make sense in the moment but in hindsight you get 20/20 glances why it happened as it did.  Having flights delayed or cancelled is something that comes with travel.  There is not much I can do to fix this except for making the choice to not travel.  This is not an option for me... life is too short to not take risks.  You cannot live intentionally and be frozen in fear.  They are opposite!

Anyway now that my brain is a little less tired and tummy is satisfied, I decided to count my blessings because of the flight cancellations...

  1. made 2 new friends
  2. got to see monkeys
  3. life is safe because someone caught the problem with the brakes before a major issue happened
  4. divine appointments have happened on each flight today
  5. finally got to visit Canada due to rerouting
  6. because of the cancellations got food and flight vouchers so didn't have to spend money on food
  7. thankful for all of the friends that took care of all the details on MKK
In these kind of situations , I have the option to only look at the inconviences or I can look a the blessings/

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