Monday, January 7, 2013

I simply come...

" When the music fades and all is striped away... I simply come... Longing just to bring... something that's of worth... that will bless your heart.  I'll bring you more than a song... for a song in itself is not what you have desired."

Tonight as I was cleaning out a hall closet... deciding what to keep... what to sell... and what to trash, the Lord convicted my heart with the previous lyrics.  "Am I not more to you than stuff?"  If all that was stripped away, would Jesus still be enought?  My honest answer would be "Yes... but... is that how I really have to prove it."  My heart aches for more of Him but when He moves me closer, my flesh screams... "Wait, I don't think I am ready to give that up yet."  I simply have to come...
"His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse,
nor his delight in the legs of a man;
the LORD delights in the those who fear him,
who put their hope in his unfailing love."
Psalm 147:10-11
It is His unfailing love that calls me to repentance and obedience despite what others around me are saying.  I have always been a people pleaser so when I know that I have to disobey people in order to obey God, my heart is sad.  BUT it is His unfailing love that draws me to obedience.
I have recently come face to face with several things that I have had to "give up" in order to fully obey God.  God has better things in store even when I don't see them in the moment.
Oh LORD, help me to trust you fully that you are a good God.  Even as my heart breaks for the things you are taking away, I am assured by your Word that every good and perfect gift is from you.  If it were good and perfect for me for right now you would have given it to me.  Don't let my short-sightedness get in the way of your long term plan for my life.  Help me to be a good steward of all you have put in my life... people, time,  money, and stuff.

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