Sunday, February 10, 2013

Only by HIS grace!

Life is a continually growing process.  Just like a seed planted in a starter container, it is not where the seed is meant to stay, it is meant to find a bigger plot of soil and spread its roots.

With growth comes continual change!  When serving the LORD, He promises that He will never give us more than we can handle in HIS strength.  So when God "plants" you somewhere, it is for a season.  He provides exactly what we need... when we need it.

Recently God has been preparing me to be transplanted into a new ministry.  This has been a long process that hasn't always been easy or comfortable but it has been GOOD.  Ultimately it is for my good and HIS glory.

SO ... the big a nutshell... GOD is moving me to Uganda (AFRICA) in August to assist in the building/administrating of Integrity Primary School.  It will be a full time missionary position in the village of Nabisooto  (not even on Google maps).  One of my duties will be to set up policies and procedures and assist in training the local teachers to do the job that God has called them to!  I will be headed down in March for two weeks to check things out.  At this point I will know more of what to expect.  After 12 years of living on Molokai, it is time to be transplanted.

  1. The transition is not always comfortable.
    •   There are still dirt and bugs in the new location.
  2. You don't always understand what the master gardener is doing.
    • At times you only see His hand and not the bigger picture of what He has in store.
  3. There is not always a lot of encouragement during the process.
    • Others are quick to find why you shouldn't be transplanted.  Feelings and emotions of others in the starter container want to keep you rooted with them!
  4. It doesn't always make sense to those looking in on the process.
    • Families and friends don't always see the bigger picture of what the master gardener is doing.
  5. But ultimately I have to trust that God will plant my roots where He desires.  HE is  the master gardener!
Please continue to follow as I am transplanted in a new land.  You can see what is going on by visiting or following this blog. 

"but grow in the grace and knowledge
of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
To Him be the glory, both now
and to the day of eternity. Amen." 2 Peter 3:18

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness Angela this is AMAZING news!! I so admire your willingness to listen to the gardener and agree to being transplanted. YOu have been heavy on my mind the last few I know why!! Look forward to hearing more about your new adventure and WHAT a BLESSING you will be to those in Africa. WoW--God is GOOD!!
