Friday, June 14, 2013

A lesson on friendship

Two months ago I battled with my fleshly desire to start breaking relationships.  In my mind, leaving would be so much easier (at least for me) if I just isolated myself.. severing current friendships and definitely not investing in new ones.  Thankfully I shared this during naptime one day with a couple of coworkers (and dear friends) and they wouldn't hear of that.

So after two months of being held accountable to not isolate myself, I have learned some very important things...

  1. People matter... they matter to God and they should matter to me!
  2. People are the only thing with eternal value.  They are valued because they are created in His image.  Their value is not based on what they do (or don't do) for us but in who they are.
  3. No matter how much you try to live peaceably with all, some people just don't want to be friends and you can't take it personally.
  4. Sometimes people surprise you.  If I had not invested in "new" friendships, I would be missing keep people in this journey of life (fellow sojourners!)
  5. Yes it is going to be hard to say goodbye but it is really not a permanent good bye just a "til we meet again" cause 'friends are friends forever if the Lords the lord of them!'
So to all of my friends, I pray that I have been the friend to you as you have been to me.  You are a blessing in my life and this journey was not meant to be done alone!

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