Friday, March 4, 2011

Gravel in my forehead

I just started a new Beth Moore Bible Study called Stepping Up: a journey through the Psalms of Ascent.  As Beth Moore is opening this study she explains that we need to spend time each day on our faces before God sharing our hearts.  She also shares that after one of her morning prayer times with God on her back porch she gets up and finds tiny grains in her forehead from the concrete floor.  After reading this I start laughing... 

My senior year of college I had a bit of an accident after youth group one night that resulted in plastic surgery and twenty five stitches in my forehead.  A few friends and I were playing tag on the way back from taking out the rubbish and I tripped and fell.  I literally hit the ground running and didn't even put my hands down to slow the fall.  So like a melon being dropped my head burst open and .... ok enough details.  Anyway by the time I made it to the ER, they had to wash out the gravel and trim the unclean edges.  This is one of a couple of hospitalizations in my life that God has used to put life into perspective and slow me down to not miss what He is doing in my life. 

When I read what Beth was saying...  I had to paraphrase...

Gravel in my forehead means I have been on my face before God!

1 comment:

  1. OMWord! You totally rolled me! That story is hilarious! I never knew you had plastic surgery on your forehead! I love your heart for Jesus! You're always running full speed ahead in your dedication to Him and His kids! Thank you for all you do for His glory! I love you, Dawn
    PS Yay! I figured out how to be a "follower" of your blog! You're my first ever! OXOX
