Sunday, January 3, 2016

A new year with no regrets

"[Jesus] said to them, but who do you say that I am?"- Matthew 16:15

It's a new year... what goals do you have?  

Your goals for the year should reflect who or what you serve!

As we turn the calendar over to a new day... a new month... and a new year... while reflecting back over the past year... do you have any "I wish I had..." moments???  You know what I mean... 

I wish I had spent more time with my children... or
...not worried so much... or
... invested more in those around me instead of my job... or
...given more to those in need.

How do we live a spiritual life with out regret???

In this journey to be intentional and live life with no regrets...I have made some goals for the year ahead.

1.  No expectations...My hope lies in Christ alone.  If He was all I had, I would be complete.  When I set unrealistic expectations...especially on those around me... I am only setting my self up for failure and disappointment.  So with this no expectations... I am giving myself and others an extra measure of grace and being flexible with the situations that cross my path.

2. Little steps in the right direction... How do you eat an elephant?... one bite at a time!  If we are faithful in the little things... bigger opportunities will be given.  Do not discount small gestures like holding a door open or picking up something for someone else.  The simple gesture of putting others needs before your own is a huge step in the right direction of being intentional about being His hands and feet.

3. Living intentionally each day... Growing up we are taught... "Think before we speak".  I would like to add... and act.  If we were to think before we say or do anything how would it change what we do and who we are?  Would we be more apt to notice those around us that have needs?  My goal is to live intentionally... making the most of every opportunity that is put in my path.

4. Invest... If we are called to image Jesus and be His hands and feet... he didn't spend a whole lot of time in a building or with "religious leaders".  He spent his time, energy, and resources sharing the love of His Father.  I can share love to others because He first loved me and I want to pay it forward.

If I were no longer here... would people mourn that I am gone?  Am I affecting change within my community?  Is the world different because I have been here?

I have been blessed to bless others.  With all this said my goal is to do 100 acts of random kindness during 2016.  Paying it forward of all that has been given to me.  May I challenge you to step outside the box and live life with no regrets.

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