Wednesday, October 7, 2009


"Great is your faithfulness. All I have your hand has provided." You are truly ENOUGH!

The hand of God that created the majestic rock formations... is ENOUGH to provide for each need according to HIS riches in glory!

Over the past few days I had the privilege of going to Colorado Springs for the International Early Education Leadership Conference (IEELC) with ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International). The theme has been "ENOUGH" with seminars entitled "Finding Enough", "The illusion of Enough", "Beyond Enough- Going the Extra Mile to Build Bridges", "Small enough to impact", and "Enough is Enough".

So my question is -Is God enough for what He has called us to do? Am I trusting in myself to do enough or listening to God as to what He says is enough for me to do? How many times do I try to do things out of my own strength when God's is enough?

God used these conferences to remind me that I am to only do what He has called me to do. It is not my job to do everything that people want me to do but to do only the things God has put before me. What a freeing fact to know that I don't have to be enough by myself because I will never live up to that.

He created enough supply. He offers enough supply. He is ENOUGH! Are you tapping into the right source?

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