After a weekend filled with on the go activities... dr's appointment... shopping... board meeting... setting up for a conference... shopping... conference on Oahu... conference on Maui... shopping... staff retreat... and oh maybe a bit more shopping, I arrived back on MKK Sunday night about 8:45pm to some disappointing news. Thankfully I did realize that I was super tired, so I didn't respond.
Sometimes disappointment can be the cause of overreaction if tired and emotional. Ultimately the disappointment was caused by unmet expectation and things not going how I thought they should. On my drive home from school today I was reminded that my JOY and STRENGTH is in HIM... not in my expectations or the things of the world. My focus should be on what He has called me to do... not what I think I should be doing.
SO I lay my hopes, desires, and future down at His feet... trusting that all will turn out for my good and HIS glory.
As for preparations for Uganda- most of the shopping this weekend was either for preschool or Uganda. I got personal items (like soap, toothpaste/brushes, shampoo, conditioner)... school items (like chalk, coloring books, soccer balls, and games)... food items (like dried fruit, whole wheat pasta, and pretzel m&m's - my favorite!). Having already packed one 50# suitcase thanks to generous donations, I set to work tonight breaking down the new items and putting them in ziplocks. This made me realize how much packaging is used mainly for asthetics. When going to a country with no waste management system, the added packaging becomes a burden. Also when the packaging is removed it takes up a lot less space!
At some point I do need to pack clothers. Laundry was started tonight however choosing clothes will be a strategic process as I intend to leave everything down that I take with me this trip. That way I don't have to struggle to take everything down in August.
In other preparation news... my arms are not sore at all today from getting shots on Thursday. Up until yesterday they were sore and I had a difficult time reaching above my head! This round of shots included yellow fever, thyphoid and DTP (diptheria, tetanus, pertussis) along with prescriptions of Ciproflaxin and Malarone.
Well it is 10:30pm... packing has been started... white laundry is on the line drying... hair has been cut and colored... showered and now I shall go to bed.
More prepations to come!
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