Thursday, May 1, 2014

One hundred people

Just something to think about from Shake hands with the Lt. Gen. Romeo Dallaire (pg 520-521)...

"If the entire population of the planet is represented by one hundred people,

57 live in Asia
21 in Europe
14 in North and South America and
8 in Africa.

The numbers of Asians and Africans are increasing every year while the number of Europeans and North Americans is decreasing. 

50% of the wealth of the world is in the hands of 6 people... all of whom are American.

70 people are unable to read or write
50 suffer from malnutrition due to insufficient nutrition
35 do not have access to safe drinking water
80 live in sub-standard housing.

Only 1 has a university or college education.

Most of the population of the globe live in substantially different circumstances than those we in the first world take for granted."

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