Sunday, May 11, 2014

And they call me mamma!

I am not sure what could be more fitting but to have my last Sunday in the village be Mother's Day! 
Woke up to blue sky and sunshine for the first time in more than a week.  Had made the choice that I was going to enjoy this beautiful day with my little brown eyed cuties.  Had 40+ children show up for children's church and we continued with the story of Abraham and how we are called to remember what God has done for us!

I couldn't help but think of what God has done for me over the past 9 months...

In the time that it normally takes to create one child, God has blessed me with 100+ children that call me Mamma.

In this time I have watched and taught these little ones as they grow with their hearts focused on Jesus and His love.

In this time I have learned what it truly means to see the depths of despair in some of these little lives and to see what overcomers they truly are.

In this time through their hugs, kisses, smiles, and tears I have learned what a mother's heart truly feels like when you watch your children fall down and get hurt... or have to say goodbye to a loved one... or accept Jesus and his gift of salvation... or try something new for the first time!  I also know how it feels to have a little one run to me first in each of these situations.

This may not be how I thought I would end up with children but for today this is what God has blessed me with.  I have the choice to take each little brown eyed cutie into my arms and love on them... or I have the choice to be bitter about not having a child of my own. 

So for this mother's day... whether you have biological children, adopted children, nieces and nephews, friends with children, or children that just show up on your doorstep looking for a mother's s heart.... be blessed and make the time for these gifts from God.  God doesn't work the same in each of our lives... so whether you have children...are single... are barren...have lost a child... or your own mother... YOU ARE LOVED by the King of kings and you are called to love on His children!

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