Mother's day is a day set aside every year to honor the mother's in our lives. Every year it brings a mixture of emotions for me.
First and foremost... I have an amazing mom that has mothered me for 33 years... I was not the easiest child to raise... very independent, strong willed and stubborn... not to mention very opinionated and emotional. My mom taught me life skills as well as using each moment to the fullest. She embodies the Proverbs 31 woman and it exhausts me just trying to figure out how she goes... and goes... and goes... and never sleeps. To you mom, I am blessed to be your daughter.
To the other women in my life that have been spiritual mothers... I truly appreciate you taking me under your wing... teaching me... guiding me... and reprimanding me when needed. You have prayed for me and encouraged me to be a better woman.
However the one thing that is most emotional to me on mother's day is I have never carried a child in my womb and to many this is the one and only true sign of motherhood. I may have never carried a child in my womb but I have carried numerous little ones in my arms and even more in my heart. Each child that God has ever let cross my path, I have loved, prayed for, and encouraged them.
Just yesterday someone asked "you don't have children of your own???"... for a moment, my heart was saddened because... no I don't have little ones that call me mommy.... one day I hope to... but for now I have the privilege to be the "Aunty" and the hanai mom to so many in need of a mommy. I have 24 little ones all day that get my time and attention... I have the resources being single (time, talent, and treasure) to treat the little ones in the community to special outings...
Children are a blessing from the LORD! If you are a mom... you are blessed! Those children were given to you... you were chosen by God to be their mother. Be the best one you can be. For those that don't have children yet... use this time to love on the little ones around you. There are lots of little ones that would love to have someone pay attention to them... spend time with them... listen to them!
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