Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Every moment counts

Making the most of each day is part of living intentionally.  There are moments that it would be easier to just roll over and go back to bed.  However just what adventures would you miss out on?
Take today for instance... memorial day... we had no children but a leadership workday.  I took the new preschool director and teacher out to Cookhouse for breakfast to discuss resources and concerns.  Really good breakfast and even better fellowship.  Went back to school to work on graduation details until mid-afternoon when a bunch of us from church were meeting up at the beach for a cookout and some fun.

Then it hit me... 4 days until this season of my life as preschool teacher/ director is over.  A mixture of emotions (surprise... surprise)  came over me as I realized that next week I would be on summer vacation but also unemployed (is there such thing in God's ecomony???)... I could spend time at the beach but my days of being with little ones from 7:30-4 are done.  All of this thinking was giving me a headache and I just wanted to take a nap.  The last thing I wanted to do is drive to the beach by myself with more time to think!  Along comes God to provide all my needs according to His riches in glory.  A sweet friend "offered" to ride down with me (and someone else caught a ride home with me which led to a great conversation).  We got to the beach and it was BEAUTIFUL.  Calm water... just the right temperature... sunshine.. and no rain... just an absolutely amazing day.  Spent a couple of hours in the water (which is huge because I haven't gone "swimming" in the ocean in months... too rough and too cold!).  Half the church showed up plus some friends from Oahu.  Simply AH mazing! 

So long story short... had  I gone home and had a pity party... I would have missed out on all of this.  The goal is to make the most of every moment!  They are each a blessing from God!

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