Monday, February 18, 2013

"How can I help?"

(UPDATE:  Due to an overwhelming abundance of support, my luggage is filled to the brim from MKK!... see recent blog update...Thank you!!!)

Not all of us are called to head oversees for full time ministries.  Some are called to minister to their children... neighbors... communities... workmates... etc.  For this time in my life I am being called to minister to the little ones in Nabisooto through the starting of this village school.

Several of you have asked questions that I would like to take a few minutes to answer...

What will you be doing?
-I will be assisting as the administrator of this school.  Setting up the policies/procedures... doing teacher training... assisting with enrollment... basically whatever needs to be done to get this school up and running successfully

Where will you be living?
-I will have my own room off of the clinic.  There is no electricity... everything is solar powered. BUT I will have internet! LOL!  Isn't technology great! 

Living expenses???
-This is a full time ministry which means I am fully relying on God to provide every need (ie. food, travel, insurance, etc).  I am not getting a salary through the school.  If you would like to assist you can visit and make a tax deductible donation (add my name in the comment area).

How do the little ones afford school?
-In order to provide a quality education for these little ones, we are looking for sponsors... soon you can go to ... type in Uganda and find little ones at IPS that you can sponsor.

How can I help???
- I am headed down in a few weeks for a 2 week visit (March 15th-March 31st).  Below is the list of supplies of things that the school/community is in need of...

white boards (small ones)
dry erase markers/crayons
flash cards
colored pencils with pencil sharpeners
construction paper
small gifts for children
soccer balls
hair items
children's clothes
children's books

If you are on Molokai and have these feel free to let me know and I will get them from you. 

Can mail be sent to you while in Uganda?
-Yes but it takes a while.  Would love to hear from you!  It is a 3rd world country so all packages are inspected in customs and I will be charged to pick up anything of "value"... meaning if you put a value on the customs slip of $10... I will have to pay up to 54% of that or $5.40. 
-The address is...

ITFM- Integrity Primary School
c/o Angela Calhoun
PO Box 71748 Kampala, Uganda- East Africa

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.  Thank you for your love, support, and prayers!

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