We as people have a propensity (big word for habit of) to point out the negative. You know what I mean.... "Did you see _____ hair?" or "Uh , ____ can't sweep right."
Did you know that it takes more strength and creativity to find the positive in most cases! We are called to be encouragers. If it weren't an issue, God wouldn't reiterate it in His Word over and over again. So today encourage those you meet with a kind word that lifts up rather than tears down.
We need to re-train our brains to see the positive rather than focusing on the negative. All people have good and bad in them. We are sinners saved by God's grace!
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Praying for Daisy's family
I was introduced to this family through some dear friends up North Shore, Oahu and The Mission. This dear child has truly touched my heart. As I was following her story and her blog, my heart broke as I read her mom's letter...
A few words from Kate:
Dear Friends…
Early Saturday morning we had the privilege of witnessing Daisy’s departure from earth to a place outside of time and space where her joy is complete; heaven.
Our darling girl gave us kisses at midnight, with lips dry from thirst and hot with fever. Tiny and sweet, the words “that’s awesome” came from her tired body after letting us know she was having good dreams. She is safely home… Finally well.
I have refrained from giving details of her suffering over the last few weeks, as it was immense. Out of respect for her dignity and loveliness we have been keeping these painful moments sacred.
Thank you for your partnership in loving our girl. Please know we are broken hearted for ourselves but so happy for Daisy, who is with Jesus in paradise able to run and eat and play with abandon. We believe that wholeheartedly, and as they say in Narnia, she is going further up! And further in! She left the Shadowlands for a place more real in every sense.
Please join us as we celebrate the strong, kind, brave, goofy, thoughtful, amazing girl we call Daisy Love. Please wear what you feel best in; sandy feet and boardshorts, tutu and snorkel mask, or the prettiest dress in your closet. Wear black only if you must, but I’m wearing what Daisy would like most. On her last night on earth, she requested we watch “The Hobbit” (70’s version) and dress like hobbits. If ever there was a girl confident in her own skin, it was her. Among her favorite ensembles are animal ears of all kinds, astronaut, flightsuit, monster, pirate, dinosaur, Indian, mermaid, bear, cowgirl, fireman and explorer.
Feel free to laugh and cry and hug. There is no single way to grieve. And while we miss her on earth, we will pick up where we left off when I have the privilege of going to where she is, in the presence of God where there is fullness of joy.
My final request to all who read this blog: love. Love your babies, your husbands, mothers, sisters. Love each day like it’s your last. All you mamas out there, you have been entrusted with the precious gift of a human life who depends on you. Enjoy your gift. Breathe in the scent of your child’s hair, breath. Let them cook with you and make a mess of the kitchen. Play hide and seek with them, build sand castles with them, take them on picnics, read to them! Listen to them, value and respect them, never shame them. Your words they will carry with them their whole life and you have the power to give them wings or stunt their growth. Motherhood can be tough but it’s worth it. It can be exhausting, boring, tedious, but never for long. You blink and they’re grown. It has been my honor and privilege to love Daisy these last 8 years. I’m thankful for every minute; the joyful and the terrible alike.
“I know The Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for He is right beside me. No wonder my heart is glad, and I rejoice. My body rests in safety. For you will not leave my soul among the dead or allow your holy one to rot in the grave. You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever.” (Psalm 16:8-11 NLT)
Monday, February 18, 2013
"How can I help?"
(UPDATE: Due to an overwhelming abundance of support, my luggage is filled to the brim from MKK!... see recent blog update...Thank you!!!)
Not all of us are called to head oversees for full time ministries. Some are called to minister to their children... neighbors... communities... workmates... etc. For this time in my life I am being called to minister to the little ones in Nabisooto through the starting of this village school.
Several of you have asked questions that I would like to take a few minutes to answer...
What will you be doing?
-I will be assisting as the administrator of this school. Setting up the policies/procedures... doing teacher training... assisting with enrollment... basically whatever needs to be done to get this school up and running successfully
Where will you be living?
-I will have my own room off of the clinic. There is no electricity... everything is solar powered. BUT I will have internet! LOL! Isn't technology great!
Living expenses???
-This is a full time ministry which means I am fully relying on God to provide every need (ie. food, travel, insurance, etc). I am not getting a salary through the school. If you would like to assist you can visit inthefieldministries.org and make a tax deductible donation (add my name in the comment area).
How do the little ones afford school?
-In order to provide a quality education for these little ones, we are looking for sponsors... soon you can go to http://icnchildren.net/ ... type in Uganda and find little ones at IPS that you can sponsor.
How can I help???
- I am headed down in a few weeks for a 2 week visit (March 15th-March 31st). Below is the list of supplies of things that the school/community is in need of...
white boards (small ones)
dry erase markers/crayons
flash cards
colored pencils with pencil sharpeners
construction paper
small gifts for children
soccer balls
hair items
children's clothes
children's books
If you are on Molokai and have these feel free to let me know and I will get them from you.
Can mail be sent to you while in Uganda?
-Yes but it takes a while. Would love to hear from you! It is a 3rd world country so all packages are inspected in customs and I will be charged to pick up anything of "value"... meaning if you put a value on the customs slip of $10... I will have to pay up to 54% of that or $5.40.
-The address is...
ITFM- Integrity Primary School
c/o Angela Calhoun
PO Box 71748 Kampala, Uganda- East Africa
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your love, support, and prayers!
Not all of us are called to head oversees for full time ministries. Some are called to minister to their children... neighbors... communities... workmates... etc. For this time in my life I am being called to minister to the little ones in Nabisooto through the starting of this village school.
Several of you have asked questions that I would like to take a few minutes to answer...
What will you be doing?
-I will be assisting as the administrator of this school. Setting up the policies/procedures... doing teacher training... assisting with enrollment... basically whatever needs to be done to get this school up and running successfully
Where will you be living?
-I will have my own room off of the clinic. There is no electricity... everything is solar powered. BUT I will have internet! LOL! Isn't technology great!
Living expenses???
-This is a full time ministry which means I am fully relying on God to provide every need (ie. food, travel, insurance, etc). I am not getting a salary through the school. If you would like to assist you can visit inthefieldministries.org and make a tax deductible donation (add my name in the comment area).
How do the little ones afford school?
-In order to provide a quality education for these little ones, we are looking for sponsors... soon you can go to http://icnchildren.net/ ... type in Uganda and find little ones at IPS that you can sponsor.
How can I help???
- I am headed down in a few weeks for a 2 week visit (March 15th-March 31st). Below is the list of supplies of things that the school/community is in need of...
construction paper
hair items
children's clothes
If you are on Molokai and have these feel free to let me know and I will get them from you.
Can mail be sent to you while in Uganda?
-Yes but it takes a while. Would love to hear from you! It is a 3rd world country so all packages are inspected in customs and I will be charged to pick up anything of "value"... meaning if you put a value on the customs slip of $10... I will have to pay up to 54% of that or $5.40.
-The address is...
ITFM- Integrity Primary School
c/o Angela Calhoun
PO Box 71748 Kampala, Uganda- East Africa
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your love, support, and prayers!
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Don't go breakin' my heart!
"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life"
Ironically enough this has been the week of "love" and it has had me thinking about how we as women have the choice to let others in to love us or hurt us. How come we will compromise ourselves and what we know we want/desire in order to have a guy by our side?
Recently a guy from my past has tried to reconnect via social media. There are few people in my past that I choose not to be friends with. Normally if you were verbally abusive, crossed boundaries, or invaded my space, I would take a step back and draw a very clear boundary line but still live peaceably with you. However do all three and continue crossing the set boundary line, I will walk away, cut ties and never look back. It truly shocks me that this guy falls into the later of the two and is trying to reconnect. If he only knew that over the years I have gotten stronger emotionally to not put up with garbage... you will not call me names... use me... or belittle me. I have also defined who I am in Christ and know that there are REAL men out there that know how to treat God's beloved with respect and kindness. If anything, this guy showed me what I don't want in my future. I can forgive and still remember so that I don't make that mistake again.
This week has also had me thinking about how much I am a hopefull romantic (instead of hopeless... because my hope is in HIM!)... anyway... I love the flowers and the chocolates and the love that this time of the year brings. As most girls, I dream of a knight in shining armor coming to sweep me off of my feet. I may be independent and seem to have it together but I desire that chivalry (sp??)... that provision... that hand to hold as I step out into the unknown.
Ultimately Christ desires to be my knight in shining armor. He will never let me go! The song Holding onto you by Paul Colman trio describes it perfectly...
All I want is You, all I need is You
And I do believe what You say is true
But I don't understand
Why it's taken me so long to know
Well I tried to be everything I need
But a broken heart was all that I achieved
Still I don't understand
Why it's taken me so long to know
You never change
Your love remains
Oh God, I'm holding onto You
When I'm afraid
Still Your love remains
Oh God, I'm holding onto You
I just want to be, with You every day
Never let You down, never walk away
But I know if I do
You will be waiting for me
Christ came to bind up the broken hearted and set the captives free. He wants you to hold on to him and HE will never let you go. We can take our broken hearts to Him and He will fix it and treasure it the way it was designed to be cared for.... with much love!
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Official title change
Well with the upcoming move from Molokai, I have pondered changing the blog title from Thoughts from Molokai... but to what??? It doesn't make much sense to keep it the same when I am moving to a completely different place but changing it is a big decision.
As I was thinking and praying about this decision... a verse came to mind...
As I was thinking and praying about this decision... a verse came to mind...
10 But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly, that now at last you have revived your concern for me; indeed, you were concerned before, but you lacked opportunity. 11 Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. 12 I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. (Philippian 4:10-12)
God calls us to be content with wherever HE calls us despite the circumstances. As Paul states in the previous verses... in any and every circumstance... So in Angela's translation... whether in Hawaii or Africa... whether rich or poor (however you can never truly be poor in God's economy)... whether single or married... I CHOOSE to be content. It is not in the things of this world that I find my contentment BUT only in HIM.
So after thinking through this... My blog title is now THOUGHTS FROM A CONTENT HEART.
Hope you enjoy following this journey that God has me on. Please feel free to follow and make comments because I love hearing from YOU!
Monday, February 11, 2013
It's ALL about LOVE!
Call me crazy.... Valentine's day has always been one of my favorite holidays! Not because I have ever been in a relationship with a guy around this time... but because I love the story behind valentines day (http://www.cbn.com/spirituallife/ChurchandMinistry/churchhistory/st_valentine_the_real_story.aspx)
... I love sending encouraging notes to others... I love making others feel loved... I ultimately love because HE first loved me! (Plus I have always loved red and white hearts!)
During this time... I have the choice to dwell on my singleness and be miserable or use it as an avenue to pour into others. I choose to LOVE! I choose to make the little ones in my life know that they are loved. I choose to give of myself to build others up.
Recently a friend and I were discussing this topic of LOVE and its basis in a relationship... is it a feeling or a choice? Can you choose to love someone even if the feelings aren't always there? I guess in my opinion... Love is a choice! How many couples would still be married if they chose to love despite? Just a thought!
So with that... this valentine's day I choose to LOVE those that God has put in my path. May I encourage you to choose to LOVE those around you like HE has loved us.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Only by HIS grace!
Life is a continually growing process. Just like a seed planted in a starter container, it is not where the seed is meant to stay, it is meant to find a bigger plot of soil and spread its roots.
With growth comes continual change! When serving the LORD, He promises that He will never give us more than we can handle in HIS strength. So when God "plants" you somewhere, it is for a season. He provides exactly what we need... when we need it.
Recently God has been preparing me to be transplanted into a new ministry. This has been a long process that hasn't always been easy or comfortable but it has been GOOD. Ultimately it is for my good and HIS glory.
SO ... the big NEWS...in a nutshell... GOD is moving me to Uganda (AFRICA) in August to assist in the building/administrating of Integrity Primary School. It will be a full time missionary position in the village of Nabisooto (not even on Google maps). One of my duties will be to set up policies and procedures and assist in training the local teachers to do the job that God has called them to! I will be headed down in March for two weeks to check things out. At this point I will know more of what to expect. After 12 years of living on Molokai, it is time to be transplanted.
With growth comes continual change! When serving the LORD, He promises that He will never give us more than we can handle in HIS strength. So when God "plants" you somewhere, it is for a season. He provides exactly what we need... when we need it.
Recently God has been preparing me to be transplanted into a new ministry. This has been a long process that hasn't always been easy or comfortable but it has been GOOD. Ultimately it is for my good and HIS glory.
SO ... the big NEWS...in a nutshell... GOD is moving me to Uganda (AFRICA) in August to assist in the building/administrating of Integrity Primary School. It will be a full time missionary position in the village of Nabisooto (not even on Google maps). One of my duties will be to set up policies and procedures and assist in training the local teachers to do the job that God has called them to! I will be headed down in March for two weeks to check things out. At this point I will know more of what to expect. After 12 years of living on Molokai, it is time to be transplanted.
- The transition is not always comfortable.
- There are still dirt and bugs in the new location.
- You don't always understand what the master gardener is doing.
- At times you only see His hand and not the bigger picture of what He has in store.
- There is not always a lot of encouragement during the process.
- Others are quick to find why you shouldn't be transplanted. Feelings and emotions of others in the starter container want to keep you rooted with them!
- It doesn't always make sense to those looking in on the process.
- Families and friends don't always see the bigger picture of what the master gardener is doing.
- But ultimately I have to trust that God will plant my roots where He desires. HE is the master gardener!
"but grow in the grace and knowledge
of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
To Him be the glory, both now
and to the day of eternity. Amen." 2 Peter 3:18
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