It is 5am New York time... midnight Hawaii time... and we have about an hour and a half before arriving it to JFK. I have cat napped for the past six or so hours and will be relying on a strong cup of coffee to make it through the morning.
Wednesday started off with waking up at 4am after a restless night. Finally got up at 5:30 to shower and finish packing. Got to the airport at 6:30am to check in my bag so that it would go through to NY. Once that was complete I headed to school to start the day with my little ones. Made pumpkin pancakes for breakfast then finished the igloo and set up for our thanksgiving lunch. We let the little ones play outside until lunch which made for some tired babies by the time mommies and daddies came for lunch. Lunch went great. First year I got to eat and didn't feel like I was policing. Everything was cleaned up and children taken home by noon which meant the staff had time to clean the classroom before closing up for a long weekend.
Went to the airport at 2pm... flight left at 2:15 and I was in Oahu and at the gate to catch my next flight at 3. Met up with Kim at Gordon Birsch before we boarded.
Very thankful that everything went so smoothly. Despite lack of sleep, stress level and anxiety is really low and I am not super tired.
A fun adventure awaits!
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