Today is Election Day... the day that decides 4 years of our countries leadership. For many this is a momentous day when their candidate wins... for others whose candidate loses it can be disheartening but either way the course of history can be changed by one vote.
This post is not going to be about who you should vote for... your opinion is your opinion... but that you should VOTE! We are blessed to live in a democratic nation that allows our voices to be heard. We have the freedom of speech. If we don't like the way our country is going WE have the right to change it!!
After traveling to many other countries throughout the years, I have realized that many of the freedoms that I have taken for granted are not FREE for others to experience. Simple things that even in our country haven't been free for all to do for very long... like women voting. We have the right to express our opinions... we have the right to worship freely without the fear of persecution... we have the right to education, land ownership, a just judicial system, ... and the list could go on! This is all because we live in a place called the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and our constitutional rights!
Before anyone starts thinking I am being cocky and taking these freedoms for granted... my heart is heavy for all those men and women that have given their lives so that I may have these freedoms. For these men and women my heart is filled with gratitude!! It urks me that there are people out there that won't vote today but want to honor the veterans next week. Honor your veterans by voting. A non-voter has no right to complain if they are not letting their voice be heard in the manner that counts.
So on this day... no excuses... JUST GO VOTE!!
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