Several people have commented in recent months that I am so lucky/blessed to be able to travel and I realized I guess I am... however this is my life.... this is my normal.
I have made choices on this journey through life and because of those choices... I have had some awesome opportunites to explore this world... but I would like to say... IT HAS BEEN MY CHOICE. And I have given up some things to travel this not so normal road.
You too can set up a life of adventure by following a few simple steps...
1. Follow your passion. I made a commitment a long time ago to follow my Creator wherever He led. Being the gentleman that He is... I have had the choice to listen to that small quiet voice or listen to the clatter of the world telling me... use your time, talent, and treasure for yourself. My time, talent, and treasure have been multiplied because I am not doing it for my gain.
2. Be intentional. What do you want to do? Make a list... nothing is off limits or too far out of reach. Some might be harder to achieve but that is where the next item comes into place. Make this an ongoing growing list... it can be things you want to see... places you want to travel... experiences you desire... (see my 100 things to do... and 100 more things to do lists on this blog)
3. Kick in the creativity. We are all given 24 hours as a gift each day. How do we spend our time? Do we spend our days slaving away to earn extra money to buy the kiddos more stuff? How about using a day or two and spend some time creating experiences with those you love? Now I know you are pobably thinking ... but I can't just take off a day or two to go see the pyramids... or the eiffel tower... or the great wall.... oh but could you see what fun adventures lie within a hour or two drive or flight from your house? Have you gone to the sites like the battlefields... or Yosemite... or Nigara falls? Granted I know these trips are easier as a single person but I do have responsibilites. Maybe instead of a once a month weekend trip... for a family plan a weekend trip hiking in the mountains... or boating at the lake... or camping at the beach. Life is full of adventures and it is the memories that will last a lifetime.
4. Make friends. Most of my connections worldwide are friends or friends of friends that have quickly become friends. I don't do the whole tourist thing well... when I travel I like to look at it as a time to fellowship with and encourage friends. This has increased my international friend group which just allows for more opportunities.
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