Monday, December 29, 2014

Intentional 2015!

It is 4 am on the eve of New Year's Eve.  It has been ages since I have awoken this early for no good reason.  I have laid here for almost an hour pondering why I am awake... bathroom? Check.... food? Check... stand in the gap for someone? Check... And the sleep still has yet to resume so I am laying under the covers in my 14 degrees Celsius hotel room blogging what is on my mind with hopes that it will allow me to go back to sleep for a few hours before breakfast.

I could start off by saying this year has flown...which it has.... I could say 2014 will go into the record books in less than 48 hours as a crazy year...but that would be an understatement... I could set resolutions for 2015.... but we all know my feelings on that (search blogs for past new years updates!)... so instead I am going to write down what I have been mentally processing through over the past few hours and days...

My goals for the next year on this quest to live intentionally are grouped as follows...

1.  Invest in I learned recently...people are going to say and do things that hurt... I want to love them anyway and that takes supernatural strength.
2.  Be healthy... this may be the first time I have ever had to state this but that means eating regularly.  Since moving here and my new work schedule... I have yet to find a comfortable eating schedule where I am not eating super late or skipping meals.  Hoping once I have my own place I can actually cook and pack food with me that I want to eat! 
3.  Exercise more... I want to not just exercise because I have to but find ways to include it in every aspect of my life.  Love living here where I can walk to work or bike to the store.  Want to live life actively with friends!
4.  Live intentionally... there are so many things left on my bucket list to do and this is the year to get some of them done plus add a few more.  I want to wake up each day spending time with the one who created me... working on goals set before me!

I am really not sure what this year holds but if it is anything like the last couple I know it will be filled with great adventure and lots of fun stories!  It is already off to a great start as Friday I get to move into my apartment AND get my own classroom with 8 classes per week due to the unexpected departure of a coworker. ( I have been floating... doing demos... and subbing since I got to Chengdu and I really want the consistency of regular classes!)

May your 2015 be filled with His amazing blessings!

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