On the drive back from Kampala today I was pondering how God was going to work out some big (by my standards) financial issues. I was reminded that if I have faith the size of a mustard seed that a mountain can be moved .... and this seems like a mountain from my view point.
So I am stepping out of my comfort zone to see what faith can do...
There never seems to an abundance of resources waiting for a project but the other way around. I normally do not stress about money because God has shown me time and again that he is faithful to provide. For whatever reason I am being called at this moment to stand in the gap for specifics for the school, our children, and our support staff.
With leaving in a week and a half and after a conversation today I realized I have been spending a lot of my own money for school and staff needs. It hasn't been an issue until I came to the realization that my finances are dwindling after not receiving a salary for a year and I have set an expectation that when something is needed it will be gotten (a teacher's heart). Because I haven't said anything, our staff on the ground just thought it was ministry money coming in and being put towards these expenses. This encouraged a talk with some of my co-workers in the ministry here of the situation and making sure they were aware to not have the same expectations of my predecessors.
Here is what we are looking at...
School supplies...curriculum, classroom supplies, kitchen supplies for cooking and cleaning... this is an on going thing as we grow ... adding classrooms, children, and staff. We are attempting to provide quality education for these children which requires certain supplies... here are some recent examples of supplies that were requested by the teachers...
Pens, scheme books, long rulers, chart paper, and other supplies... around $75 per term
Dictionaries relevant to east Africa... 30,000-40,000 shillings each $12-15...bought 2
Calculator for end of term reports... 60,000 shillings each $25...bought 1
Curriculum books... need 4 @20,000 each... about $32 total
Omo cleaner and sweepers for cleaning the dirt out of classrooms... 125,000 shillings $50
Supplies for the kitchen...
Soap, bleach, omo, scrubbers to make sure the dishes are sanitized and everything is kept clean... about $100 per term
Sugar, tea, salt, oil, curry powder, etc for staff meals... about $100... which doesn't include the posho and beans bought for children's and staff meals...that is budgeted for.
Needs for children...
Shoes and socks for new children... with the addition of a bunch of new children 2nd and 3rd term...a little more than 1,000,000 shillings has been spent on shoes since I arrived back in country the first of August. (about $400)...some of this was money left from last Christmas but definitely had to be added to.
Leaky water barrel... went on a home visit last week and as I was visiting with the family they shared that their barrel used to collect rain water is leaking... it is metal and has rusted through... without this rain catchment system they have to walk about 3 km down the side of the mountain to fill jerry cans with water from the bore hole that ITFM provides. To replace this barrel with a sturdy plastic barrel it is about 85,000 shillings ... about $35.
A new school block... as we are nearing the end of our second year of school at Integrity Primary School we are in desperate need of a new school block to add P3 and P4. The cost is about $25,000 and we are about halfway there. The goal is to have it ready to go by February 2nd... the first day of school in Uganda.
New muzungu staff
...housing... furnishing... living expenses...transportation... etc... -with the blessing of a new young couple coming to take over the work that I have been doing over the past year, comes the need to build a small private residence for them as well as all of the start up furnishings. I am excited that God has provided willing hands to serve full time in this village and in turn would like to do everything I can to assist in the transition
The need is great and even though some of these seem small and insignificant... added together it is a big financial situation in my mind. I am simply sharing what the LORD has put on my heart and if He is calling you to assist feel free to give at... http://inthefieldministries.org/angela/angela.htm and it will be passed on as specified.
If you are unable to give please join with us in prayer.
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