Monday, August 11, 2014


Sometimes God does something and I look at Him asking... really, are you serious? 

He opens a door that seems illogical and rather silly at the time only to reveal his masterful plan down the road.  Last night I lay in bed pondering some recent happenings in my life and wondering if God really said for me to do this. It doesn't fit my logic but what in God's economy is ever logical
He brought me back to the story of Abraham by asking the question... do you want an Ishmael or an Isaac?

Ishmael was the the son born to Abraham by his wife's maidservant... Isaac was born to Abraham and his wife-Sarah!

Ishmael was born in Abraham's time where as Isaac was born in God's.... seems illogical to me for Sarah to have a baby at 90 years of age!

Ishmael was Abraham trying to figure out God's promises in his own strength whereas isaac was God's promised child.

With all that said... I made the decision based on desiring God's best in my life... not human logic.  And if you are curious about the decision... that will be revealed publicly in the next day or so.... and I will give you a hint... I know what more than 10 weeks of my life looks like!

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