As I sit here tonight pondering and praying for different people and situations that the Lord has laid on my heart, I am humbled by the thought that keeps coming up... you have not because you ask not.
I am currently struggling with this as I know that God has called me to trust Him and not to raise support in the traditional way. I have been extremely blessed by those that have listened to the prompting of the spirit whether it has been to give financially... to send a ray of sunshine through care packages and notes of encouragement... or through standing in the gap via prayer.
I struggle to bring up needs both physical and tangible because God knows them... but at the moment I am prompted to humbly ask for you prayers and support as the Lord leads... 3 weeks I start the journey back state side... this brings up some needs and concerns...
-physical... some minor health issues have come up recently that need to be taken care of. I am currently uninsured which isn't an issue here as I have lived in a clinic here and the medical care is very inexpensive. Please pray specifically about the medical issues, which insurance to sign up with (looking into the co-op for medical care), along with the finances to cover this.
-heart issues... in this transition and all the emotions that go along with all the unknowns. Praying specifically for guidance and wisdom in the unknowns as I adjust cultures yet again and leave what has become familiar and home. overseas has not only been rough on my body but also on my clothes and electronics. I say this almost comically but it is time to go clothes shopping. Living here my clothes have taken a beating... what isn't stained... bleached... wholly... or worn out... is long sleeve. I am coming back to the states with just enough clothes to get me to the east coast!
-As for electronics... my computer is officially a goner! It is currently in transit to the US with my Uncle to get the files removed before going to computer heaven. With grad school starting in 6 weeks... a computer is a must! Problem is with having to pay for grad school and airline ticlets... finances are short to buy a computer. Please pray for financial provision for a computer... an updated cell phone as my pay as you go phone is on its last leg... as well as resources to cover grad school living expenses for the summer (total cost of grad school for the summer is $6500).
These all seem massive to me especially with the thought of coming back to Uganda in August. My God has never left me nor forsaken me... and I know He will provide in His time. I am humbled to even share this but as the LORD leads I will follow. This is not to raise concern but to be open and share what is on my heart.
Thank you for your prayers!
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