It happened again...I really should be used to the comments by now but it never fails to catch me off guard and throw me for a loop!
Today we were shopping for household appliances for the new visitor housing unit. We were at Game buying a refrigerator and a gas stove. It is quite a lengthy ordeal so I left Kimberly to take care of some of the paperwork while I ran to get catfood. When I came back Kim and the sales guy (whose name is Frances) were talking about how he is a trained secondary teacher and they were discussing what we were doing in the village. Well Frances was really interested in coming to the village to teach when we had those classes and Kimberly throws out the question if he was married as she was wanting to set him up with one of our teachers.
Anyway the topic of me being single comes up and he immediately stops the conversation looks at me and asks... If you don't mind me asking... and you don't have to tell me because I know this personal...but how old are you? (This is not a culturally appropriate question for any man to ask a woman here!)... I tell him and he is very puzzled how I can still be single at my age. He said I just thought you were married and had children and that is why you are doing this. My explanation was that God had not brought my husband into the picture yet... and that answer seemed to suffice.
I have had two other comments today relating to my singleness where I can fully see people just don't get it... one was "you have chosen not to get married" and the other was "if I could do it all over again at 15 ... I would remain single". Just to clarify... I strongly desire to be a wife and a mother... but not stronger than my desire to obey and serve the Lord. Ultimately the promise I am holding onto is if God found it good for me to be married right now I would be ...but at this point He has me fully serving him in a different capacity.
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