Well it is Monday mornig and there is never a dull moment around here. Each day starts with a prayer of "Lord give me the strength to face whatever challenges that are put in my path today."
Here are just a couple of the situations this morning besides me having to chase 7 of the neighbors piglets away from my office and Sseki telling me that his dog came home with a monkey...
1. Got a text from Han (who is down with malaria in Kampala) that we are responsible for getting fuel from Busunju for the land mover that was hired to clear the roadway and level the land for the school block, teacher housing and ball field. Problem is we don't have barrels nor a truck to haul the barrels of gas from Busunju. Why am I just now getting this info and why wasn't it discussed when the agreement was made?
2. A young man named Samuel who is always hanging around campus came to register for school this morning. Previously I had aaked why he wasn't in school and heard varying reports... he's dumb... he can't learn... his parents pulled him from school. Well everytime I talk with him... he understands my English... he is articulate and always looks smart. He is a slower learner but when approached with the idea of coming to school... he ran all the way home to bring his mother back. His father is dying of AIDS and can't provide for the family. The mother is doing her best to provide school fees for the yougest daughter by digging and doing odd jobs. Ultimately Samuel is now enrolled and very happy to be getting an education.
3. One of our P2 students walked into my office this morning with a hen under his arm. We sent this dear child home last week because no school fees had been paid and the parents had not come to make arrangements. This boy came back today with his hen to pay for school fees. He wants to be at school so desperately that he is willing to give up his hen. Humbling glimpses of what sacrifice truly looks like!
Please partner with us in prayer as we try to make a difference in these children's lives! School is a huge sacrifice for many of these families and even though the parents portion of school fees is less than 10 cents a day... it is a struggle! We have been in the midat of a spiritual battle with things breaking, sickness, added expenses, accidents, and just plain discouragement. We would appreciate your prayers!