As today is the first day of a new year and many women (and men for that matter) set losing weight as their top new year's resolution.. I want to challenge you with this idea.
Recently a friend posted how her 6 year old daughter was already making comments about her body image and that to hear this from a mother's heart was devastating. This got me thinking as to what our culture is teaching our girls.
I grew up with the mindset of thin is in and that no one would really love you unless you were 'perfect'. Needless to say I struggled for more years that I can count with all of the negatives about my body along with a food addiction. For generations American women especially have strived to starve themselves...try every diet known to mankind... and when these aren't enough going under the knife to sculpt the body to perfection. Not really going into who is to blame but what we as women can do to fight this cultural espionage so it doesn't continue to destroy our young girls.
Currently I am living in a cultural where big is beautiful and where 'fat'is a complement rather than a jab. To be known as 'fat' or 'big' here means that you are provided for. Men are not looking for skinny women as they are not able to produce babies and be strong enough to work digging. Honestly it has taken me time to get used to some of these remarks as it still stings to be called fat even though it is said with tones of admiration.
So as the battle wages on the western front to be thin... I want to challenge each mother, grandmother, aunty, and woman that you are perfect the way God made you...thick or thin... short or tall... Your body was meant to serve a purpose and we should be working to keep it healthy not a particular size. Stop wasting money on diets and pills and start investing in living intentional lives.
My body may not fit into my cultural norm but it has done some amazing, powerful things and has the potential to do more.
...these legs have carried me across the finish line of the Honolulu marathon and up to the peak of Mt. Sinai.
...these arms have rocked countless little ones to sleep, have comforted numerous hurting friends, have carried loads of brick, rock, and firewood, and have played games of teeball, football, and catch with some of my favorite little ones
...these hands have made blankets, scarves, scrapbooks, and a variety of other handiwork to pass on to others, have written notes of encouragement, and have provided pats on the back for a job well done
... these feet have carried me more places than I have room to mention, have walked many miles with friends just talking story, have danced praises to my Lord, have stood firm as an advocate for ones with no voice
...this body may one day carry the life of a child... or have to support an aging parent... or have to walk hand in hand with the one I love down the beach at sunset.
I want to live a healthy life so that I am able to do these things and so much more. There is a world of possibilities that our bodies are capable of and this is the legacy I want to leave ... not an obsession with the number on the scale or a particular size. The goal is to eat healthy and exercise regularly to feel goodmand be happy. The girls in my life will know that they are fearfully and wonderfully made in His image. We are unique and special and the God of the universe desires to use you.
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