Today's journal looks very different than last nights...
(Sunday) Last nights journal started off with.... well it finally hit...that feeling where I need to talk verbally to another person who understands... I was forewarned this would happen... I guess I just didn't realize that the loneliness would set in within 2 weeks of being in the village. It has been an accumulation of things... as long as I am doing something I am dostracted... I still struggle with my worth being on what I do or accomplish in a day. The newness of living the simple village life has begunmto wear off. Some issues arose last night with something as simplemas lack of water pressure and it got me thinking of the what ifs and me being out here by myself. I am missing home and the people there. Trying to stay in contact withnpeople is difficult with the time difference and lack of comsistent internet. To top it off the enemy has been waging war on my mind... so my dreams at night have left me tired and asking what in the world is going on? They have been very odd!
After writing that I spent a good bit of time praying over all the concerns and for peace and comfort and went to bed. Monday morning brought with it His complete peace as well as communication with friends and family... along with answers to specific prayers and seeing how God continues to provide. To top it off, the answer for comfort came in the form of a kitten. Not how I thought God would answer but a very nice surprise as she is quite cuddly and loveable. God chooses to delight in his children. He has again reminded me that we have not because we ask not!
He has truly turned my mourning into dancing as he promised in His word. Thank you for you continued thoughts and prayers.
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