After spending the day at Elon University visiting with friends that I used to work with, I have realized how much the campus and staff have changed. These changes have occured via retirement... death... career path changes... and the like.
For example.... I walked into one office that I used to work in occasionally and I knew NO one sitting behind the desk. I ended up having to explain why this strange person meandered in and just looked at them. All of the ladies that used to work in there have since retired leaving a new group of faces.
After visiting with people, I was told that I needed to visit the alumni house and the interfaith building. As I was looking at pictures in the alumni house (which used to be health services)... I realized that I have grown up on this campus and the changes that I see aren't just from it being my undergrad alma mater but from my childhood playground.
Today has been a walk down memory lane for me... early memories of roller skating down the halls of what is now Koury center...parking in front of the building that has become a beautiful courtyard.... attending the 100 year celebration when they are now celebrating 125 years... being the last class of Elon College and watching all the changes that have occured with becoming a well known university.
Realizing that dad will be retiring in a couple of years after 30 years of service makes the years really seem to have flown by. The one constant in this game of life is CHANGE!
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