Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Missing the forest for the trees

It is 2:30 on the day of my birth.  I am officially 34 and I am sharing that because I am blessed by what God has done in my life over these  years.  I have earned every age line and grey hair... even though I do my best to keep those from being the main focus.  My main focus these days are to follow God wherever He leads and live intentionally.

As I cannot sleep, I have laid here pondering what I have learned and the areas I can grow in.  I have realized that my heart has been so focused on being the Proverbs 31 woman that I have lost sight on building friendships that may lead to something more.  This is why I have entitled this "missing the forest for the trees".  I have been so adamant building the attributes of "the" godly woman that I overlooked the fact that her main focus was to love God, to be her husband's helpmeet, and provide for her children.

Lately I have received a lot of comments that there is no "one" person... or soulmate.... or perfect man.... and that it is my "choice" just to settle and make it work because love is a choice and an action rather than a feeling.  To some of this I do agree but I have two reponses to this....

1  It is not like I have a myriad of single available Christian men waiting to take me out on a date.  To be honest I cannot think of the last time that I had an eligible bachelor ask me out on a "date".

2.  My God is sovereign and I cannot thwart His plans.  So even if the above mentioned bachelor was in the picture and I was oblivious to his attention... God can still use the situation for my good and His glory.

SO  with all that said... I am single..
...and I am no less of a person or godly woman because of that... nor do I feel I have "missed" my opportunity...  I still believe I was created to be a wife and mommy...  I am living intentionally to build friendships... and ultimately I am content with where God has me for today!

I am not going to waste my time regretting the past or worrying about the future... today I will live intentionally and make each moment matter.

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