End of week two of grad school and call me crazy but I am relaxed and enjoying it. At the moment my heart is beyond blessed and thankful... for friends... for comforts like hot showers and a comfy robe... for rest from the craziness of the past few months... for people that listen to the story I have to tell and commit to pray... for brothers and sisters in Christ that truly understand... and for drive thru windows that sell frozen strawberry lemonade past 8 pm.
Since I am in this mindset at the moment I thought I would share what brought it on. I have been thinking and have come to some big revelations... In my search to be the woman that God has called me to be...
1. He has not called me to be the "perfect" Proverbs 31 woman. I fall short every time and need to give myself grace. (BTW... the verses in Proverbs 31:10-31 were written as an acrostic from a mother's point of view for her son... as mother's we pray for our children's spouses...however because we live in a fallen world our children's spouses will never live up to our ideals. Just a thought the next time you are trying to live up to the Proverbs 31 woman... she wasn't an actual person!)
2. God has put amazing sisters in our life to fellowship with and stay accountable to... be the kind of friend you would want to be friends with. Life is too short for the catiness and jealous that sometimes shows up between women. Really just lay down the pride and bear your heart. More than likely if you are having a struggle, God is placing people around you with the same struggle just different stages. If you don't share you miss out on carrying the burdens of another and encouraging on another.
3. Don't say "I understand" unless you HAVE been through the same situation. In tough times just be there. No words have to be exchanged... just be there... and PRAY!
4. Last point before I drift off to sleep... don't judge yourself by the worlds standards... go by God's. He created you for a plan and purpose... you are fearfully and wonderfully made in HIS image... we are individuals designed to glorify and worship the creator of the Universe.
You are perfect just the way you are. Break free from the lies of the enemy and the world that state... you need to look like this... dress like this... act like this... talk like this... YOU are set apart. Live like it!
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