Fast forward to today... a friend and I were out walking and talking... discussing some recent comments that have been made about this transition to Uganda. The friend made the comment that most people probably "assume" that I am moving down to take a high paying administrator position. When I started laughing, the friend made mention that maybe I need to clarify...
SO for all that are "assuming" that I am going down to Uganda, living a cushy, posh life and making BIG bucks, I would like to clarify...
- As of the end of May... I will be unemployed, uninsured, and no longer receiving a salary.
- When I move to Uganda in September... I will NOT be getting a paycheck. (Nor do I have an agency paying for all of my traveling/moving expenses.)
- I will truly be relying FULLY on the LORD to provide each need.
- My "housing" in Uganda will eventually be the maternity ward of the clinic. It has a working, flushing toilet and for that I am BLESSED.
- Showers will be in a plastic wash tub in the clinic after hours... there is no shower in what is to be the maternity ward.
- My kitchen consists of a sink and a three burner camp stove... no refrigerator and no oven so I am making full use of that now!
I love your clarity! Thank you for being the hands and feet of Christ to those you will serve in Uganda. We will be "following" your story...aloha, the montgomerys