Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Easy lives don't make great stories!

How many stories have you read that have no hero or villian? A story without a challenge or trial? Our lives should reflect an adventurous God. What a boring story it would be if we never had any excitement.

God has called us to live according to his plan and what he calls us to. Sometimes our thoughts and ideas don't line up with His plan but we must choose to line our ideas under his ultimate plan. Over the years when my ideas haven't exactly been in God's plan- there has been a lot of gnashing of teeth and tears but I am getting a glimpse of what God has to say “no” on occasion. I am realizing that had God allowed me to do things my way... there is a really good chance that I would be reaping the natural an abusive relationship, unhappy, missing out on so many of God's blessings.

God has blessed me with so many dear friends that have reminded me that I am worth so much more than I have given myself credit for. God's perfect plan for our lives is for our good and His glory!

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