Saturday, August 20, 2011

"What a girl wants..."

Books have written on it...
Music has been sung on it...
Movies have portrayed it...
but what does a girl really want???

Last night on my way home, Shania Twain's "Any man of mine" came on.... before I even realized it I was singing along to ALL the lyrics... (ok- I grew up in the south!).  As I sat there thinking on the words coming out of my mouth, the words of my daddy echoed through my head at the first time he heard the lyrics... "What a double standard!"  I think he was specifically referring to the line that says... "I can be late for a date that's fine but he better be on time."

How come we come up with rules for others but for some reason the rules don't apply to us?  For so many years I had envisioned the "perfect" husband... sparing a lot of details I have realized a couple things...

1.  How can I expect a perfect husband when I am no where close to being perfect?

2.  How many double standards I had put out there?  (ie.  my husband needs to take care of his body... while I was overweight and a sedentary lifestyle)

So as I have gotten older... what does this girl want?
  •  a man who loves Jesus first and foremost (I am ok being second!)
  • a man to share the adventures of life with
  • a good provider- doesn't have to have a high dollar job just be able to provide for his family!
  • a good father who adores his children- whether biological or adopted
  • a spiritual leader

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