Tuesday, July 19, 2011

"There will be a day..."

with no more dirt or bugs!

It is 1:30pm on the first day of my summer vacation and I have spent the past 4 hours cleaning... you know all those jobs that take a back seat when working full time... ie. laundry, rubbish, sorting cans and bottles for recycling, scrubbing the kitchen and bathroom, cleaning out cupboards and closets...etc.  It is time for a break and a time to reflect. 

A little bit ago I was on my hands and knees eradicating a 6 leg critter and scrubbing the bathroom floor... ... you know baseboards... around the tub and toilet...tile... etc... and the song "There will be a day" was playing on the radio. 

The song basically is about heaven where there will be no more tears or sadness.  To add some humor I started thinking about changing the lyrics to two items that really bother me (especially on cleaning days!)-  Can you guess what bothers me???  Bugs and dirt!

Yes, I realize one of the downfalls of living in paradise is dealing with the critters and the never ending red dirt blowing through the jealousy windows that won't close.  Try as I may to keep things clean... it is a never ending battle.  There are certain things that get the layer of red dirt wiped off daily... the bathroom and kitchen counters.... other things get a weekly wipe down... dresser, coffee table, desk, etc.  I was wiping down the icebox this morning... opened the cupboard above to put some paper products away and found an ant colony... not just a couple but droves.  Ended up taking the container outside... emptying the box and threw away most of the napkins.  Then proceeded to spray.

Really, I am thankful that one day... these will no longer be an issue and until that they get put into the category as part of the curse.  Hi ho hi ho its back to cleaning I go!

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