Tonight, I broke the pattern of my normal evening routine. Normally after dinner, a little tv (ie. Bones) while checking email, and finishing a couple of projects, I head to bed to read a couple of chapters in the latest book before drifting off to sleep. With tomorrow being Good Friday and having the day off, I worked on a mother's day project til 10pm. The news came on and they mentioned a meteor shower go on so I deviated from my norm!
I love looking at the stars so with a lawn chair already perched out back, I donned a sweatshirt over my pj's and grabbed a pillow and blanket. The cool night air (ok... it is 76 degrees at 10 o'clock pm and that's chilly) and the silence of the neighborhood made for a peaceful time. As I lay there, I could truly feel the presence of my Lord, say "Be still and know that I am God." The breathtaking majesty of his immense creation screams silence. After a headspinning couple of weeks with vertigo to "Be still" was amazing!!!
I spent the time looking at the handiwork of the divine creator, God, realizing how much He has done and how little I deserve it. Just as Abraham in Genesis when God has him look up at the sky and tells him his decendants will be as numerous as the stars in the sky, I am humbled that God chooses to use me.
Here I was, prior to this, having some issues with being "alone" and God reminded me that He is with me and will never leave me or forsake me!
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