Saturday, September 8, 2001

Life happens

Just thought that I would drop a short (hopefully) note to let you know that I am still alive and kicking. Everything is going very well in my little corner of the world. For the past couple of weeks, life has been a little bit crazy with parent/teacher conferences, baby showers, birthday parties, working on projects, and getting more involved in the life of Molokai.

Parent/teacher conferences went very well. I had a good opportunity to talk with my 5th grade student's parents (or guardians) and witness to some of them. It is amazing to me what some of these students are dealing with. Please keep these students in your prayers. I am very thankful that the parents were open to the comments that I made and were willing to listen and work with their child more at home.

One of the ladies that I go to church with is expecting a baby in the next month, so we threw a surprise baby shower for her last night. She had no idea that we were doing this, which made it even more fun. We played several “baby shower” games and the ironic part is that Jenn and I won more than half of the games. Most of the other ladies had children, we don't.

This past week, the 5th grade class at MCA has been studying the pilgrims and Indians in History. I decided to do a project and have each of the students do a different part and then on Monday have a thanksgiving dinner. Little did I know how well it would go over. One of the students, built a tepee in our classroom that is large enough to get in. He and another student decorated it with Native American designs. Another student built a pilgrim house out of press board. The rest of the students worked on papers about the Mayflower and the first Thanksgiving. Some made costumes while others made up a bulliten board. The parents of the students are coming to the classroom on Monday for our feast. I praise the Lord that this idea went over so well.

Life on Molokai- The Lord has truly blessed me in helping to fit in on Molokai. I have been invited to sing with the Praise and Worship team at Molokai Baptist Church. I have started volunteering at the local (and the only) Christian bookstore. It is run solely on a volunteer basis. I have also gotten involved in keeping the Nursery and cleaning the church. With things like this it makes Molokai seem more like home.

Everything is going well and I appreciate all of you notes, emails, and prayers. Let me know if I can pray for anything specifically for you. I hope everything is going well for you.

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