Monday, January 11, 2016
New day... new beginning!
I have been in California for just a few days after spending the holidays with my family in North Carolina. I am adjusting to driving again after 2 years of using hired drivers and public transportation. (Thank the Lord for a great navigation system in my car!!! I can follow... turn left here!) I am getting used to being back stateside again where most people speak a language that I understand... menus are in a language I can read... and being able to pick up the phone to chat with friends and family without trying to figure out how many hours they are ahead or behind ... or having to talk via a computer because I am internationally!
The question of the day is... how are you adjusting?... well now that I am over jet lag... I am hitting the ground running. Working on getting paperwork done to be licensed in the state of California... scheduling meetings to get to know the board, elders, and staff... getting a health check and fingerprinting... along with all of the training that goes into taking over for a director that has been in this position for 40+ years. Already planning a road trip to San Diego for the 3 day weekend coming up as well as making a list of all the other places nearby to explore.
So all in all... it is a new day of a new week in a new year... and the excitement is bubbling over for all of the new beginnings and adventures that I am sure to have! Stay tuned!!!
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Modern day good samaritan
With so much negative posted... thought I would post my glimpse at a modern day good samaritan...
Last night I flew into California... where I am officially setting up residence. Met up with some friends from Molokai and then Justin came to pick me up from their house. As we were driving home in the rain... Justin noticed in his rearview mirror a dark car slide across the 4 lanes of interstate... headlights go into the air and then disappear down a dark embankment.
Knowing the time of night as well as how dark it was... he was concerned that no one would find the car or driver. So he went back to render aid. There was a vehicle behind us that also saw what had happened and stopped as well and then a 3rd truck circled around and came back to check on the situation. As the 3 guys walked down to check on the lady and call 911 I couldn't help but think of the good samaritan story. Of all the cars whizzing by on the interstate... 3 good samaritans stopped to render aid in the rain. They gave up the comforts of being warm, clean, and dry to assist someone in need. This challenged my heart to be more aware of those in need around me and not be in such a hurry that I don't focus on others hurting around me.
In the end... the lady driving was ok... thankfully she was wearing her seatbelt so when her car rolled she didn't get too badly hurt. The car is totalled but vehicles can be replaced... lives not so much!