With moving in less than a week... I have been attempting to write a "christmas" letter and a note detailing what is and is not acceptable communication while I am overseas. Due to all the changes in my schedule and jetlag and wanting to spend time with people... my brain has not been all here to do much detailed writing... so with that said... here is an attempt...
First and foremost... don't be afraid to keep in touch. I want to hear from you! I am working for a well known secular company so I am going to teach English and build friendships.
Be careful of certain code words in emails, snail mail, fb posts, and messages that may be picked up with the censors. Everyday terms like FATHER or SON or THINKING OF YOU are fine... others more specific may cause issues.
Sending verses (or portions) are fine just don't include the reference or the specific name of where it is coming from. Also it can be referred as the BOOK.
As for facebook... no tagging me in group messages or posting things to my page. Private message me.
Will still have my email so feel free to use that just with the above coding.
If you post something and I untag myself ... I still love you and want to know what is going on... just want to fly under the radar.
I will be open and honest but know that I can't be super specific. Read between the lines!
Once I get an apartment and settled... I will let my family and friends know of my address. Feel free to send notes or packages just watch what you write and no religious type of stickers or lingo on the outside of the envelope or package!
With all that said... I am not foreseeing any issues but just want to give everyone a heads up. I am super excited about this new chapter in my life and would love to have visitors!