Saturday, March 19, 2011

How far is the east from the west?

"Jesus can you show me just how far the east is from the west?  I can't bear to see the man I was rising up again."  Casting Crowns

This morning as I was working through my Bible Study some issues/sins from my past were brought again to the surface.  Whenever they are brought to my attention I am ashamed to think of how many times the enemy has used these situations to cause me to lose ground. 

In the midst of studying, I took a break and turned on the radio.  It is amazing what God uses to remind my heart who is still large and in charge. 

Praise be to God that no matter what I have struggled with in the past as Psalm 103:12 states, "as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us."

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Home is where your heart is

"Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile.  Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper."  Jeremiah 29:7

Recently a dear man of God from our church family approached me at the airport as I was flying to Oahu for a conference.  He was very surprised to hear through coconut wireless that I had signed on to teach for another year.   I was surprised because after ten years this is home and it should go without saying. 

This comment did however get me thinking on how much I absolutely love this place where God has put me for such a time as this.  Eleven years ago when  I first came to Molokai, I would have never dreamed that this would become home.  As I read, Jeremiah 29:7 this morning, it hit me that God places us where he wants us for such a time as this.  Sometimes these moves aren't what we think they should be but God has called us to serve and pray for our community.  Just think of the mighty work Christ could truly do if we all prayed for our communities to prosper and have peace.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Breaking into singing...

While eating lunch with my little ones a week or so ago, I made the "mistake" of verbalizing the song on my heart with a "la la lalalala" (the chorus to Every Move I make).  I paused realizing I as singing outloud AGAIN and 12 little voices in unison echoed the song... to the point that all eating had stopped. OOPS!  I actually had to get up and flash the lights to remind them to finish their lunches. 

I was reminded of this as Beth Moore was talking about how the Psalms were songs and that singing is eternal.  Like it or not we will be singing the praises to God for all of eternity!  This makes my heart very happy as I love to sing to the Lord.  As Beth Moore states "Emotions and experiences can be expressed through song in ways spoken words can never satisfy."  Songs are the language that our soul understands and expresses back to God.  So if you are having a junk day turn on some praise music and sing before the LORD!  It is the best medicine for depression.

One last thought:  If we don't mean what we are singing... it is not worship.... IT IS JUST NOISE!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Our God who never sleeps

This morning during my quiet time with God, I was reminded that God never sleeps or slumbers.  Even when we are beyond exhausted.  God is always awake.!  In 1 Kings 18:27, Elijah asks what Baal (the god of the pagan enemies of Israel) might be doing instead of answering their call.  He suggests that maybe Baal is deep in thought or busy or traveling or sleeping.

Aren't you glad that our God hears us when we call?  We don't have to worry that he is deep in thought or traveling.  He is never too busy to answer the calls of His children.  What a comforting thought

Friday, March 4, 2011


Sitting over the marina in the grayness of the morning, I am reminded of God's peace in dark times.  As I glance out past the boats, the waves are breaking leaving a white foamy trail, reminding me of God's power. 

After the lightning and thunder storm at 2:30 this morning, I sit in awe of the same God who created the world in six literal days can calm a storm with just a word.

What are the storms in your life that need to be calmed?  When will daybreak arrive in the midst of your storm?

Gravel in my forehead

I just started a new Beth Moore Bible Study called Stepping Up: a journey through the Psalms of Ascent.  As Beth Moore is opening this study she explains that we need to spend time each day on our faces before God sharing our hearts.  She also shares that after one of her morning prayer times with God on her back porch she gets up and finds tiny grains in her forehead from the concrete floor.  After reading this I start laughing... 

My senior year of college I had a bit of an accident after youth group one night that resulted in plastic surgery and twenty five stitches in my forehead.  A few friends and I were playing tag on the way back from taking out the rubbish and I tripped and fell.  I literally hit the ground running and didn't even put my hands down to slow the fall.  So like a melon being dropped my head burst open and .... ok enough details.  Anyway by the time I made it to the ER, they had to wash out the gravel and trim the unclean edges.  This is one of a couple of hospitalizations in my life that God has used to put life into perspective and slow me down to not miss what He is doing in my life. 

When I read what Beth was saying...  I had to paraphrase...

Gravel in my forehead means I have been on my face before God!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

It's all a matter of perspective

From way up high, things don't look so big or daunting as when you are standing in the midst.  As I was flying from MKK to HNL yesterday, the whales splashes and spouts could be seen from the friendly skies but oh how tiny they looked.  Just a dot in the midst of a huge ocean.  From a kayak, it is a whole nother story.  One flick of his tail and you'd be soaring.

How many times do the trials of our life seem daunting and overwhelming but compared to someone elses trial it is just a splash in a vast ocean?  No matter the size of the trial God is still in control and there to carry you through.