As I sit here in my living room on this Sunday afternoon, my entire house reeks of campfire smoke and there is billowing smoke all around. Every few minutes one of three yellow emergency helicopters fly over with buckets attached transporting water to much needed hot spots. Thankfully my house at this time is safe and sound but Molokai is being burned to a crisp.
When I was a small child there was a song that we sung at church that went... it only takes a
spark to get a fire going. This is a vivid reminder of how something so small can do so much. The cause of this fire is unknown at this time but more than likely it started with something very small and insignificant. Whether a match or a camp fire, 2500+ acres have been burned. What an impact!

We as Christians are called to have that kind of impact on our communities and world. Setting our world on fire for Jesus. It is really hard to cover the light that fire produces at night whether by candle or a brushfire. Last night it was such a sight on how much of our island was on fire... areas that couldn't be seen during the day. But as soon as the sun went down the fire lit up the night sky. I sat out in my backyard perched on my neighbors rock wall watching the mountain glow. This was a great reminder to me that we need to shine Jesus especially in the dark of night.
Please be praying for safety for all the fire fighters, emergency crew, helicopter operators, and people that are helping keep people's houses safe. Pray that the wind would die down and that God would send some rain.