Normal evening of checking email and going through mail turned very funny when I heard a noise in the kitchen. Not knowing where the two boys were I quietly walked from the living room into the kitchen. I flipped on the light and found the roll of paper towels was unrolled and Romeo (my youngest cat) was guiltily sitting on the counter.
I took him off the counter, fixed the paper towels, and went back to the living room. I no sooner sat back down then I heard the noise from before. This time armed with the camera I went in, flipped on the light, and snap... GUILTY AS CHARGED!
With Tink it was toilet paper... every morning I would get out of the shower to find the entire roll of tp either shredded or on the floor. With Romeo it looks like paper towels. Luckily with Tink, he has out grown the desire to toilet paper my house. Hopefully with Romeo... this too will pass!