Aloha and Mele Kalikimaka-
It is December 13th at 9:30pm. I am sitting here with a purring cat on my lap trying to get some computer work done so I thought I would send out a quick email.
Tonight was our annual preschool Christmas play. Trying to get 20 children that are 3 and 4 years old to perform with singing, dancing, and signing for half an hour is quite a feat! And as usual the children were adorable and did a great job. The program title was "A Strange way to Save the World!". I will try to post pictures eventually. After tonight I have let out a quick sigh of relief because everything dealing with the program is pau and now I can concentrate in packing and cleaning up before I leave Friday afternoon!
Yes I am headed to the mainland for two and a half weeks for the holidays to visit family and friends. I fly in to NC Saturday (the 16th) and then driving to TX for a week on Monday. Headed back to NC on the 24th and leave for Oahu January 3rd. I will be in Oahu for a teaching conference the 4th - 6th and then headed back to Molokai on the 6th. If at any point you are in the area of Elon (or Waco, TX) I would love to meet up with you. Call my parents house or send me back a quick email with your phone number and when you are available.
May the Lord bless you with an awesome Christmas and a hauole makahiki hou!! (HAPPY NEW YEAR!)
Much love and God's blessings,